The Wife Coach is an advice blog based on Titus 2 Principles. If you are a woman in need of some guidance, please write in: The Wife Coach will anonymously post your question and offer advice. Please allow 48 hours. All personal information will be kept confidential.

Life can be hard, but God offers us hope. It is the mission of The Wife Coach to reach women and offer guidance through God's plan.

...teach the older women to be reverent in the way they teach what is good. Titus 2:3

For more information about Titus 2, please visit

Friday, April 15, 2011

L writes:
I came across your site and wanted to ask for advice and prayer. My husband left me but we reconciled a few times up until the end of July 2010. He began the process of filing for divorce that Nov. I knew that he had met a woman and was living with her but I kept my lips sealed. I find out Monday that she is 6 months pregnant with his child. He began the divorce process after finding out she was expecting. I'm devastated but I can't let him go. I can't imagine how our life together can continue. I had someone mention that the woman could have a miscarriage and now I can't stop thinking about that. It's almost as if I'm hoping that will happen and I feel like that is wrong. Is it?
Dear L,
My heart goes out to you.
First, I want to remind you of Psalm 111:10, which tells us that if we fear and trust God we gain a better understanding of his will.

Next, I want to say that Titus 2 encourages reconciliation just like the bible states. However, if you have tried to work things out with your husband and he is unwilling, 1 Corinthians states that you are unbound. I know this sounds tough, as you mentioned you cannot imagine life without your husband. But this is when you must trust the Lord with your future.

Finally, I would like to address your thought life. It sounds like you are having a hard time accepting your husband’s actions as reality; fantasizing about the other woman possibly having a miscarriage. I am not saying what your husband has done is right, as scripture states, he is to love you and his body is to be for you only. What I am saying is that these mistakes he has made are now fact and the only thing you can change is your focus. In Titus, we learn that the only person we can change is ourselves. This is going to be important for you to remember going forward. FOR YOUR SAKE, I hope you are able to forgive. Here are some scriptures about where our mind should be focused: Ephesians 4:31-32, Psalm 31:24, Isaiah 26:3.

I am so sorry to hear about your circumstances, L. As you move forward, please remember Romans 8:28: we know that all things work together for good to those who love God.

Please keep in touch. I will be praying for you.